For Christians, today is Easter Sunday, which is usually a big day for family gatherings and meals. It’s also the 5th night of Passover, a holiday which also involves family gatherings and meals. Further, we are currently in the middle of the Islamic month of Ramadan, a month of fasting during daylight hours for Muslims, with a meal after sunset. Easter and Passover usually overlap, but the coincidence with Ramadan doesn’t happen too often. In any case, as spring awakens in the northern hemisphere, three different religious traditions celebrate holidays involving family gatherings and food.
As such, I expect a lot of folks out there to be involved in family activities (as I am), so I expect this to be a slow night at Top Comments. Despite the fact that nobody in hubby’s immediate family (or all that many in his extended family) go to church or hold beliefs in Christian doctrine, they still celebrate Easter with a family dinner. I’m probably still there as you read this.
So please share whatever experiences you’ve been having during your seasonal celebration, whatever that may be. If you’re a born-again heathen (like me) and pay little-to-no attention to any religious calendar, feel free to comment on whatever you like.
Comments are below the fold.
Top Comments (April 8-9, 2023):
(Nothing came-in from the field this weekend)
Top Mojo (April 7, 2023):
Top Mojo is courtesy of mik! Click here for more on how Top Mojo works.
5) [embed] by PvtJarHead +1076) 7+ years — that’s a satisfying ch … by ericlewis0 +10210) On a Friday evening….imagine that?! by scott3460 +8611) And Annielie and all the rest by stlawrence +8412) “There’s no subtext anymore, y’all.” … by healejd +8326) Around, in, and on the House … by BMScott +6527) Crooked Pair by Denise Oliver Velez +6429) DeKlantis by Denise Oliver Velez +63
Top Mojo (April 8, 2023):
6) So gross! by ericlewis0 +1248) From the same article: … by Jim in Chicago +10812) Perhaps? … by javax2 +9817)   Excellent summary … by Mustellus +8920) Daylight Zoomies in the Garden … by BMScott +8023) Posted: MVP Harris in TN by Denise Oliver Velez +7623) More Tennessee by Denise Oliver Velez +7623) The senator for Russian Oligarchs? by jqjacobs +7626) In the end, they will fail. by AKALib +75
Top Photos (April 7, 2023):
Thanks to jotter (RIP) for creating it and elfling for restoring it.