Most every Sunday I post a wrap-up compendium diary of my weekly postings, along with a “Who Lost the Week ?!?!?” poll.
My policy is to limit nominees to either (a) miscreants who finally got their comeuppance, or (b) otherwise OK folks who screw-up. Sometimes I will post a Trump-centric poll when I will be away on vacation (or a long weekend) — and one of which will take place the 1st weekend in August (for those awaiting one).
I’m quite uncomfortable listing pure victims in such a poll: partly as (a) “The American People” would be the top choice many weeks … but mostly because I find the concept of listing someone wronged by (say), the justice system ... in the same listing as a convicted crook, sexual harasser or murderer … grotesque.
Yet I’m aware that some readers will be seeking such choices tomorrow (Sunday), given the events of the week. Hence, this special poll for their benefit.
For anyone who’d like to vote on such a list weekly … posting a diary with a poll is easy (and I can guide one through it via KosMail, if need be). I invest enough time on my regular offerings … others should pick-up the slack.