A look at an odd 20th Century monarch, after-the-jump ….
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Although I had known of him for a famous quote of his decades ago (and for not much more) it wasn’t until the recent Jubilee celebration that I saw a blurb about him … and found a character whom it would be hard to imagine today. The “King of Bling” had the sort of dismay that surely the Marcos’s had when they fled from Manila in 1986 … due to the bling they left behind. Yet King Farouk of Egypt led a far more interesting life, methinks … that is worth a second look.

Born in 1920 as Farouk bin Fuad, Hereditary Prince of Egypt and Sudan, when Egypt was still a British protectorate: he was son of the King Fuad, the first Egyptian king (of Albanian ancestry) and a mother of Egyptian and mixed Mediterranean ancestry. At age fifteen, he was sent to a British military academy (with an entourage of twenty) where he was known less for academics than hunting ducks and shopping in London. While there, he met the future King Edward VIII— of whom Farouk said (many years later):
“We have not yet met as two abdicated monarchs but when we do: I am sure that he will have a typically pungent comment”
He did not graduate: as in April 1936 his father died, and he became king at age sixteen. For several years he (and his father before that) enjoyed widespread support: leading Egypt out of its prior Ottoman Empire backwater status, which led to an expansion of artistic and cultural achievements. Indeed, given also the religious liberty that existed then: some in the country today look back at his reign (despite its flaws) with some nostalgia compared to modern rulers.
Farouk also did what his father did not, learning Arabic: as well as other languages (English, French and Italian), the only subject in which he excelled. He also was negotiating a treaty to reduce the privilege Britain had (a sore point for his countrymen) in exchange for remaining in Britain’s sphere of influence.
All along, though, there were portends of things-to-come: and his ascending the throne at only age sixteen played a role. Others in the government were resentful, seeking ways to plot for the future. The British grew distrustful of him, due to his outward antagonism (and Italian fondness, the influence of his father’s upbringing, even after the rise of Mussolini). Indeed, after marrying in 1938: he received a Mercedes-Benz from Adolf Hitler (which among other things played a role in Egypt remaining neutral in WW-II).
Much of his decline (beyond a lack of experience) can be attributed to the old vices of greed and corruption. He inherited 1/7th of of all the arable land in Egypt (as well as five palaces, 200 cars and 2 yachts). Yet he seemed to be of the “Too much is not enough” persuasion: first, he was of normal weight in his youth, yet grew to 300 lbs. (it was reported that he ate 600 oysters/week). Even his mustache gave him the aura of a cartoon character. He purchased red Rolls Royces and Bentleys, so that police would know … not to stop him. He owned over 1,000 custom-made suits and a collection of pornographic neckties. And when WW-II broke-out, he kept the lights on at his palace in Alexandria — despite a black-out in the rest of the city, as a defense against Nazi bombing raids.

He also fostered a crony capitalism, which reached a peak during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War — when many believed that war profiteering led the Egyptian army to be outfitted with substandard weapons and munitions.
This led the Egyptian military to begin planning his ouster, with two names you may recognize: Gamal Abdel Nassar and Anwar Sadat. And this they accomplished in July, 1952 — with King Farouk seeking help from the US, with no luck. He was forced to abdicate to Italy, and an Egyptian Republic instituted several weeks later. He later tried to blame Muslim extremists, but he was done-in by more traditional forces: and as noted, the republic did a fire sale of his palace bling (they way that the government of Corazon Aquino did after the Philippine revolution).
He died in exile in Italy in 1965 at the age of only forty-five, denounced as a playboy & incompetent. Yet as noted, there is at least some nostalgia for his era.
He is best known for his quote that the day would come when there would be only five kings in the world: the King of England … the King of Spades, The King of Clubs, the King of Hearts, and the King of Diamonds. While that has not, of course, come-to-pass: in 1994, the UK-published magazine The Economist published this:

Yet even they had a recent highly favorable tribute to Queen Elizabeth at her Jubilee — nor has there been a King of England (or more accurately) of Great Britain in seventy years. So maybe Farouk … wasn’t entirely off-base.
Although lengthy …. let’s close with a classic song from the UK band Renaissance, with ex-Yardbirds lead singer Keith Relf (on lead vocals), Jim McCarty (on drums), and Keith’s sister Jane Relf on backing vocals.
Now, on to Top Comments:
From thesphynx:
In the diary by Darrell Lucus with the self-explanatory title of Georgia church may have stopped a mass shooting before happened— Captain Frogbert's thoughtful juxtaposition of suicide bombings and terrorism worldwide vs gun deaths in the US.
From elfling:
In the front-page story (also with a self-explanatory title), Disabled activists help Lizzo find the way to express her voice — this thread started by an eloquent comment by Franks Human (about the use of a hurtful ableist term) is a thoughtful and enriching dialogue all the way down about how words can hurt and also the reclamation of certain terms that have been wielded for the purpose of hurting. This kind of back and forth is the power of the Daily Kos comments section.
And from Ed Tracey, your faithful correspondent this evening ........
In the front-page story about the death toll of Kansas cattle herds (due to high heat and humidity) — Dooey begins a thoughtful thread on mitigation efforts in the meantime to prevent soil erosion and also providing shade.
And in the front-page story of Montana governor Greg Gianforte being out of the country while flooding ravages the south-western part of his state — with his staff unwilling to provide any details, (leading to speculation ranging from the Appalachian Trail to Grand Slam wrestling) — Jeff1234 offers a basic road map for how staff should handle such a situation, rather than encourage speculation.
Next - enjoy jotter's wonderful (and now eternal) *PictureQuilt™* below. Just click on the picture and it will magically take you to the comment featuring that photo.
TOP PHOTOSJune 15th, 2022 (NOTE: Any missing images in the Quilt were removed because (a) they were from an unapproved source that somehow snuck through in the comments, or (b) it was an image from the DailyKos Image Library which didn't have permissions set to allow others to use it.) |
And lastly: yesterday's Top Mojo - mega-mojo to the intrepid mik ...... who rescued this feature from oblivion:
9) Thanks Greg. Daily Toons by Denise Oliver Velez +10711) Lying is the least of their crimes. by AKALib +10416) Guilty knowledge. by polecat +9418) Foreknowledge. by polecat +9021) [image] by FindingMyVoice +8824) Pooh. by Denise Oliver Velez +7927) Two more toons — Flag Day by Denise Oliver Velez +6829) Real time coordination. by polecat +67