As noted: some random musings, after-the-jump …..
But first: Top Comments appears nightly, as a round-up of the best comments on Daily Kos. Surely ... you come across comments daily that are perceptive, apropos and .. well, perhaps even humorous. But they are more meaningful if they're well-known ... which is where you come in (especially in diaries/stories receiving little attention).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your nominations to TopComments at gmail dot com by 9:30 PM Eastern Time nightly, or by our KosMail message board. Please indicate (a) why you liked the comment, and (b) your Dkos user name (to properly credit you) as well as a link to the comment itself.
While I often do not make political posts, I have a few for today.
1) And one involves my using a Friedman Unit— the term coined by the blogger Atrios (nicknamed by Kos as “The Baby Blue Cherub”, t/n Duncan Black) — about the NY Times columnist Tom Friedman, who always said “We’ll know in six months” whether things will go well in Iraq …. (unless another Friedman Unit was issued).
I do suspect that if 45 is ever criminally indicted, it’d have to be in the next six months to have any impact. By next summer, the 2022 mid-terms will be in full swing, and 45 may be itching to declare his candidacy — and I suspect it’ll have to be from either the local DA in Georgia, or by NY State — where Tish James has already announced a bid for the NY State gubernatorial race next year, and needs to show why she should be elevated after finishing only one term. (Merrick Garland is a long shot, though I’d be delighted to be proven wrong).
2) Speaking of the soon-to-be-vacant NY State AG office: one MSNBC analyst has already won elected office in the state (Mimi Rocah as the Westchester County DA) and now another one …. has entered the race.
3) As Rachel muses over Q-Anon in Dallas ... are they expecting the wrong guy?
4) I hope that with the signing of Infrastructure Bill #1 that — unlike the small Obama era stimulus bill — a concerted effort is made to flag the Republicans who voted against the bill … yet are quick to claim credit for it for a part that could benefit their district. Alabama representative Gary Palmer was the first to do so, with his staff claiming “He would have voted for (the project) as a standalone item” … yet not attempting to say why members of Congress would vote for his pet project alone … if he railed against others? I hope that the Lincoln Project (and others, such as Don Winslow) spearhead a “Ribbon Project” — showing those who show-up at ribbon-cutting ceremonies — with film and TV commercials.
5) There’s been debate over why an appointment to oversee Infrastructure #1?
Even former congressman David Jolly (whom I respect) mused over superseding a cabinet-level responsibility for these sorts of endeavors. My answer: if a lot of people are in charge ... no one is in charge. Let’s wish him luck.
6) Here in New Hampshire, the most relieved person is our former governor (and now US Senator) Maggie Hassan, as our current GOP governor declined to run against her when she is up for her first re-election next year.
There are lotsa theories as to why Chris Sununu bailed, when surely the GOP was pressuring him. One by political analyst James Pindell is that Sununu may be harboring presidential aspirations. I think he might have been whip-sawed: agreeing to many culture war legislative actions this year, which may not play well in a race with national attention — yet being (for a GOP governor) reasonably prudent over Covid … leading to protestors picketing his house regularly last year.
Either way, I am happy for Senator Hassan …. and am so hoping that this palooka — who ran unsuccessfully in the GOP primary last year against our other US senator — becomes her general election foe.
Com-symp! Haven’t hear that term in years! He must really miss the Cold War.
7) Speaking of which: I am old enough to remember when wingers would dismiss liberal complaints with, “If you don’t love America, move to Russia!” Now, though — with Moscow Mitch and Ron Freakin’ Johnson — there’s a problem saying that:
8) Finally, an update: four-and-a-half years ago, I recounted (not in this space, but in a standard diary) the story of how during a traditional European May Day celebration … in recent years, skinheads and neo-Nazis have often hijacked the day for their own foul purposes. Yet that day, a sixteen year-old Czech Girl Scout went to a counter-protest against them …. and a photo of her confronting one such skinhead went viral. And in explaining why she was risking some physical harm (even if it healed):
"But if I'd kept silent or if I'd decided not to get involved, it would have left a wound inside me … that would never have healed."
My original post (with some excellent reader comments made) is at this link.
Now …... an update … a delightful one.
Let’s close with a traditional lullaby— sung by a veteran performer described as “Scotland's best-selling female singer in terms of the numbers of hit chart singles and albums she has achieved in the UK since 1976” — accompanied on bass by another veteran musician (and founding member of Pentangle), Danny Thompson.
Now, on to Top Comments:
Nothing from the field this evening
And from Ed Tracey, your faithful correspondent this evening ........
In the front-page story about the embattled Rep. Matt Gaetz wanting to hire Kyle Rittenhouse as an intern— among the many perceptive comments, one made by Anne Elk sums-up the increasingly one-upsmanship of the GOP.
Next - enjoy jotter's wonderful (and now eternal) *PictureQuilt™* below. Just click on the picture and it will magically take you to the comment featuring that photo.
TOP PHOTOSNovember 17th, 2021 |
And lastly: yesterday's Top Mojo - mega-mojo to the intrepid mik ...... who rescued this feature from oblivion:
10) Thanks Greg. Chris Christie by Denise Oliver Velez +9014) Thanks Greg. Some positive news to start … by learn +7515) Reading the diary might help. by Pakalolo +7419) Gosar by Denise Oliver Velez +6821) I have asthma. I wear a mask. What i … by DrDiva +6330) [embed] by Daddy Bartholomew +59