An Open Thread/Forum on the elections and beyond, after the jump …...
But first: Top Comments appears nightly, as a round-up of the best comments on Daily Kos. Surely ... you come across comments daily that are perceptive, apropos and .. well, perhaps even humorous. But they are more meaningful if they're well-known ... which is where you come in (especially in diaries/stories receiving little attention).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your nominations to TopComments at gmail dot com by 9:30 PM Eastern Time nightly, or by our KosMail message board. Please indicate (a) why you liked the comment, and (b) your Dkos user name (to properly credit you) as well as a link to the comment itself.
I normally have a prepared essay, or follow-up(s) to my previous offerings …. but tonight: I think we simply need another forum to vent, or make observations on the elections. I'm even having trouble preparing my normal weekly diary.
You are aware of the old saying that “the opera’s not over until the fa ...”…… well, I think it has now been supplanted by the trademark proclamation made by the senior election analyst for the non-partisan newsletter, The Cook Political Report, as well as a contributor to NBC News.
Before his retirement, the baseball analyst Tim McCarver would often say (when a pitcher was being hit quite hard), “Out of the dugout comes manager So-and-So …. and he has seen enough". That is now the situation for the election analyst described above, Dave Wasserman— exactly when will he announce:
I’ve seen enough.
In particular: are there any good local elections/news in your regions that deserve wider recognition? Or, any aspects of the election that have not been discussed?
On a lighter note …. (1) your Libertarian candidate for president, Jo Jorgensen:
And (2) — this Irish discount airline …. piles on your-friend-and-mine:
Let’s close with my favorite John Hiatt song (among his many classic tunes) — a good analogy for the pace of the vote-counting — even name-checking the Rolling Stones drummer in the second set of verses.
Now, on to Top Comments:
From Crimson Quillfeather:
The PWB diaries are a playful corner on DK, and this comment by Gaelsdottir brings to the thread some wonderfully creative playfulness addressing the emotions of the moment, as we wait for all the votes to be counted.
Highlighted by aoeu:
In the diary by Ryan in FL about whether Nancy Pelosi should be retained as House speaker — this top comment (made by Elfling) speaks for itself.
And from Ed Tracey, your faithful correspondent this evening ........
In the diary by calang about working the polls in Michigan— and having two GOP “challengers” (Mike and Karen) make trouble — Lib Dem FoP has a saucy reminder of the “Brooks Brothers riot” of 2000, compared to today.
TOP PHOTOSNovember 4th, 2020 Next - enjoy jotter's wonderful *PictureQuilt™* below. Just click on the picture and it will magically take you to the comment that features that photo. (NOTE: Any missing images in the Quilt were removed because (a) they were from an unapproved source that somehow snuck through in the comments, or (b) it was an image from the DailyKos Image Library which didn't have permissions set to allow others to use it.) |
And lastly: yesterday's Top Mojo - mega-mojo to the intrepid mik ...... who rescued this feature from oblivion:
10) It’s the Republicans who are incurable. by Lincoln green +16912) Sell Kentucky to Russia? … by Lilyvt +15914) Matt, glad you are still with us this AM. & … by cazcee +14820) Harsh but fair, and illuminating, thank you! by clarkma5 +13521) We need you. Now more than ever. by Matt Z +13423) [embed] by OwossoHarpist +13024) That would be SO great! by Matt Z +12726) LOCK! HIM! UP! … by stevemb +126