A simple request of mine that I wish I could make happen, after the jump …..
But first: Top Comments appears nightly, as a round-up of the best comments on Daily Kos. Surely ... you come across comments daily that are perceptive, apropos and .. well, perhaps even humorous. But they are more meaningful if they're well-known ... which is where you come in (especially in diaries/stories receiving little attention).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your nominations to TopComments at gmail dot com by 9:30 PM Eastern Time nightly, or by our KosMail message board. Please indicate (a) why you liked the comment, and (b) your Dkos user name (to properly credit you) as well as a link to the comment itself.
Regular readers of my drivel writings know that I seldom delve into policy discussions — because many, many people have more expertise on this than I ever will. Tonight, I do want to address one theme that has become truly tiresome (and, I suspect, to many readers as well). And I will do so via the “If I were part of the 1%, I would ….” camp.
One of the never-ending discussions one hears is the “Democrats lost touch with the white working class” … as if the WWC is not simply the only working class worth considering … but that it is the most important voter category of all. This crie-de-coeur comes not only from “centrist” pundits, but even former MSNBC analyst Krystal Ball as well.
Alas, it is difficult to compete with someone who promises “I will bring back your jobs!” …. and should he run for re-election: will probably not lose many of those votes (even if he fails to deliver, as he is almost certain to). Many will “come for the promised jobs, and stay for the nativism”.
So, what I would do if I had an unlimited expense account: organize a short (weekend) conference in Washington (or an agreed-upon place) and invite “centrist” pundits from Politico, The Hill, nationally syndicated columnists and others who inveigh the “WWC is the future!” meme. I would offer not only fully-paid expenses, but also a stipend. And if they cannot attend in person, a teleconference function. The best of the High Broderism pundits, if you will.
They would be tasked with providing two sets of recommendations for what the Democratic Party should do to meet the needs of the WWC.
For those who hammer this theme home often, yet refuse to attend, saying “That’s not my job” — then we know they are there only to criticize, and not to be taken seriously. This is calling-their-bluff, in other words. Or to put it another way: “If they are not doing right, tell them what they are doing wrong — make up your minds, already”. Here are the two categories:
1) Actions the Democratic Party can do on its own — and can be objectively met (or not)
The first category is important, because if a proposed action is within the power of the Democrats to do, without fear that the GOP can block it — and after analysis, they agree to do so — then this is a more fair evaluation of their actions. I suspect that not all of these recommendations might be accepted by the DNC — yet they could at least be evaluated.
The other side-of-the-coin: it must involve actions that are concrete, objective and measurable. If a recommendation begins with the words “Have more respect for citizen group ‘X’, or “Listen more to voting block ‘y’ ….“ … then this is subjective and prone to ridicule from the right-wing talk show hosts, who will say “The Democrats promised, but failed to deliver!” Add-to-that the new alternative facts group at the White House …. and you have an exercise in futility.
On the other hand, if a neutral observer can state “Yes, the Dems did do “a”, they did not do “b” and have only achieved ½ of “c”’ … then this project might be worthwhile. Here are some (vague) examples:
* Appoint an advisory board for the Appalachian-Rust Belt region with these three criteria
* Open a field office in these regions, with the task of doing such-and-such.
* Revamp the 50-state strategy, with benchmarks 1, 2 and 3
I am far from an expert — and do not expect that these proposals have every i dotted and every t crossed (the devil is in the details) — but making these recommendations as measurable as possible are something that can be cited by our candidates … in a way that the Contract with America was.
2) Legislation the Democratic Party can propose — even if the GOP can block them
This category is squarely aimed at the point that the biggest stumbling block to legislation helping the WWC is the GOP. Admittedly, this category will be abused by “centrist” pundits — who seem to be convinced that Democrats could succeed if only they “reached-out” to the GOP (and treated them nicely!) — or believe in the Green Lantern theory: that success in politics is more a matter of will, and that failure is the lack of it.
Still, this would emphasize the fact that these recommendations may run afoul of the GOP (even before it gets to the Trumpster) … and place the spotlight on them to offer their ideas. Examples:
* Propose a law to do D, E and F
* Repeal a law that does G, H and I
* Double the existing funds to J, K and L
Even if I had such money, would such a conference ever come off? And if it did, could they ever agree on any recommendations? Next, would these recommendations be something that Democrats could embrace, let alone enact? Finally, would anyone even pay attention to this?
Damned if I know. But if nothing else: I’d like to see the complainers get-off-the-pot for once and suggest, not just complain. Here is pertinent question the Lovin’ Spoonful asked fifty years ago.
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Now, on to Top Comments:
From CanyonWren:
In the front-page story about the Trumpster entertaining both Kid Rock and The Nuge at the White House — these words by CwV are such an apt metaphor for the Trump administration's impact on the White House and the U.S. in general.From Mike the Liberal:
In the diary by WB Reeves about the progressive credentials (or lack thereof) for Jon Ossoff — this comment from rktect points out what we should be focusing on here. It’s not about the past, folks; we lost. It’s now about the future.From elfling:
In the diary by drkathie about running for the (soon-to-be-open) seat of Rep. Jason Chaffetz — a question about a non-profit group was answered by MKSinSA — and the response by the good doctor herself was advice any of us can follow while canvassing! :-)And from Ed Tracey, your faithful correspondent this evening ........
In the diary by poopdogcomedy about Jeff Session referring to our 50th state as merely an Island in the Pacific — memfromturner begins a section of frivolity … by citing the lyrics of a 70’s Southern Rock classic tune.And lastly: yesterday's Top Mojo - mega-mojo to the intrepid mik ...... who rescued this feature from oblivion:
1) This is infuriating and heartbreaking. Do you ha … by IamGumby +244 2) Oh yeah, and an official letter of apology to he … by IamGumby +196 3) Now if we can just convince all these people who … by drshatterhand +193 4) For the kind of agenda that Bernie Sanders wants … by TrumpResistance +178 5) Well, let’s be honest about something here: … by Lawrence +148 6) Oh, I know that Tesla paid back the loan early a … by Lawrence +140 7) And that’s the trouble, isn’t it? People have be … by Captain Frogbert +135 8) Wow. Just fucking wow. … by mpc 12 +134 8) America, This is Wrong. This family shouldn’t be … by InfiniteThoughts +134 8) From the LA Times article, not quoted in the dia … by Laughing Gravy +134 11) Amen. … by left of that +131 12) Good Results from Georgia 6th. … by Beegeebers +130 13) And does Conley still work for NASA? If so, he s … by Forprogress +124 14) But there are 5 women on Twitter that don’t like … by samanthab +123 15) That's it I'm done, I've had enough. Bernie isn' … by Mattrek +114 16) Gee, I hope this lands on Drumpf and his minions … by JeffW +111 17) Thanks for this. People on aid have to have exce … by Tara the Antisocial Social Worker +110 18) If I pick up this pile of Nunes that my dog just … by pierre9045 +104 19) Screw that. “saint” is one of the nicer things h … by Lying eyes +102 20) I've had it. Time to unify the party and bernie … by kay3295 +98 21) Correct! Ossoff has hit the right tone for Ga. H … by linjo10 +97 21) Now everyone here fall in line and trash Ossoff … by triplem +97 23) Christopher Steele needs to stay alive! … by ArcticStones +92 23) I don’t buy that — there was a lot of media atte … by ToniT +92 25) The problem always occurs when weak people get s … by ps2os2 +90 26) When I was doing pro bono legal work (usually di … by rugbymom +87 26) Maybe I’m missing it, but does the article indic … by ThePhlebob +87 28) Who is kicking more ass on clean energy and Amer … by brooklynbadboy +85 29) I have a basic question — why is it OK for Sande … by InfiniteThoughts +84 30) I don’t have a cat pic, but this might do… by themis +83 30) Well, maybe someone should have told Neil Armstr … by Cali Scribe +83