An institution that I hope will be around as long as I am, after the jump ….
But first: Top Comments appears nightly, as a round-up of the best comments on Daily Kos. Surely ... you come across comments daily that are perceptive, apropos and .. well, perhaps even humorous. But they are more meaningful if they're well-known ... which is where you come in (especially in diaries/stories receiving little attention).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your nominations to TopComments at gmail dot com by 9:30 PM Eastern Time nightly, or by our KosMail message board. Please indicate (a) why you liked the comment, and (b) your Dkos user name (to properly credit you) as well as a link to the comment itself.
I still enjoy reading a Sunday newspaper in print — sometimes, it’s a local paper, other times I like reading the Boston Globe, for a big city perspective. I don’t always read it while having Sunday breakfast these days (with a hectic schedule) but it is the perfect way for me to end the week with.
The rest of the week, the news can be read online … but not Sunday. Besides the ability to look past the ads (as publications are now blocking ad-blocking software on-line, making for difficult reading) I do like perusing the store coupons, which can help defray the cost. Plus, sitting in an easy chair is more relaxing than a computer chair.
Recent reports are indicating that traditional newspapers are seeing a Trump Bump in response to the new Administration, and that’s all to-the-good. This past September, Jim Rutenberg wrote this in the NY Times:
One day many decades hence, when your grandchildren ask you, “Grandma, what was a newspaper?” you can direct them back to Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016. Because it may well go down as the day the American newspaper as we’ve known it moved out of intensive care and into the palliative wing on its way to the Great Beyond.
The Newspaper Association of America, the trade group that has represented the interests of major newspaper publishers in one form or another since 1887, is going to drop from its name the very word that defined it ….. “Newspaper.”
The group will be known as the News Media Alliance.
There is one obvious reason behind the change: The number of newspapers continues to drop, which has a way of depressing the association’s membership. (It has fallen to about 2,000 from roughly 2,700 in 2008, executives there say.)
There was a silver lining in that essay, I'm happy to say:
Michael J. Klingensmith, the publisher and chief executive of The Star Tribune of Minneapolis, and the vice chairman of the soon-to-be News Media Alliance (and I) fell into the usual conversation about how long newspapers would remain. He said he figured Sunday newspapers would be around at least another 20 years, though he wasn’t sure he could say the same for the rest of the week.
If he is correct: at age 60, I may live-out my normal life with something I am very fond of. And that’s comforting in these days of turbulence.
Let’s close with ….. well, what else? Joe Jackson’s 1979 tune Sunday Papers— which dealt with his difficulties with London’s tabloids on Fleet Street. Still, its message resonates with me.
Mother's wheelchair stays out in the hall Why should she go out when the TV's on? Whatever moves beyond these walls She'll know the facts when Sunday comes along
If you want to know 'bout the mad punk rockers If you want to know how to play guitar If you want to know 'bout any other suckers You can read it in the Sunday papers Read it in the Sunday papers
Sunday papers, don't ask no questions Sunday papers, don't get no lies Sunday papers, don't raise objections Sunday papers, ain't got no eyes
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From Canadian Reader:
In the diary by tjnor01 about the stochastic-terrorism shooting in suburban Kansas — tcdup asks the questions the media can be counted on not to ask when the shooter is a white Christian.And from Ed Tracey, your faithful correspondent this evening ........
In the front-page-story about the retired US Navy admiral (and now University of Texas Chancellor) Bill McRaven, who called the Trumpster’s enemy of the people comment the “greatest threat to democracy in my lifetime” — dewtx notes some other positive aspects of his chancellorship …. and neighboring state resident MikeTheLiberal is willing to give a sympathetic gesture (of sorts).And lastly: yesterday's Top Mojo - mega-mojo to the intrepid mik ...... who rescued this feature from oblivion:
1) No, he looked and sounded like a typical jack@$$ … by LamontCranston +199 2) Makes sense, he's a TV personality. by a2nite +141 3) Oh man. About took his head off. by gizmo59 +135 4) YeeeeeHaaaaa! … by stlawrence +118 5) So in other words: “Donald Trump doesn't need a … by Magnifico +117 6) There was a young woman at the Town Hall, I beli … by JohnnyAppleseed +115 7) You don’t say it in the story, but this was a Un … by leevank +114 8) The GOP is running scared - LITERALLY! … by News Corpse +108 9) Polls...polls...polls… … by Love Me Slender +107 10) White guy makes white power hand signals, nothin … by onionjim +103 11) Bind him hand and foot to the Republicans. They … by zman1527 +96 12) Let’s not be encouraged by our efforts thus far. … by feralkat +88 13) American Excramentalism. by billmosby +86 14) They want him around to absorb responsibility fo … by Had Enough Right Wing BS +84 15) The polls can be generally trusted. The FBI, not … by Raging Pencils +83 15) I never thought I’d see the day there’s a servil … by Dog Day Afternoon +83 15) As I said in the diary before you removed and ed … by Ugmo +83 18) We are waking up to the power we have — and the … by Eyesbright +81 18) 40 % support is still enough to make Tr*mp and t … by tapu dali +81 20) I’m wondering how long it will be before Flynn’s … by nailbender +80 21) Let’s hope the Trumpsters boycott United over th … by journeyman +77 22) Or they can hide the nukes in the empty heads of … by DisNoir36 +75 22) You know, in many ways the Buchanan analogy is a … by grumpynerd +75 22) People showing up need to chant, “Show us the bu … by sceptical observer +75 25) Trump was a wake up call. People realize taking … by timber +72 25) Fuck this guy and his daughter, who if you notic … by puakev +72 27) Team, … by glutz78 +70 28) There is time between now and the mid terms , I … by indycam +68 28) I was sitting right next to her. So genuine and … by JSappAR +68 30) HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by bubbanomics +67 30) They’re going to have a hard time selling her as … by sceptical observer +67