An open forum on what boundaries one should adopt for Trump family members, after the jump …..
But first: Top Comments appears nightly, as a round-up of the best comments on Daily Kos. Surely ... you come across comments daily that are perceptive, apropos and .. well, perhaps even humorous. But they are more meaningful if they're well-known ... which is where you come in (especially in diaries/stories receiving little attention).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Send your nominations to TopComments at gmail dot com by 9:30 PM Eastern Time nightly, or by our KosMail message board. Please indicate (a) why you liked the comment, and (b) your Dkos user name (to properly credit you) as well as a link to the comment itself.
I find myself having an internal debate as to what is fair game (and what is not) as far as criticism with the members of the Trump family. Tell you what …. I’ll give you my thoughts (which tend to be circumspect, as well as subject to change) and then will open-the-floor-up to your ideas.
1) Off-limits: Barron Trump is only ten years old, and certainly has no role in the family businesses or in politicking. Much has been speculated about his temperament, and just recently a staff writer for Saturday Night Live was suspended indefinitely following a Tweet she made about the kid. We will probably see little of him (will be staying in Manhattan with his mother Melania) and I would avoid any mention of him. We all felt that way about Sasha and Malia.
2) Conditionally off-limits: Tiffany Trump (the daughter of Marla Maples) is 22, thus an adult and not a child. Yet she is not active in politicking, nor has any role in the family businesses as far as the eye can see. Until-and-unless those things change, I would avoid most mentions of her (although her being registered in two states to vote is fair game, given her father’s quite recent comments).
3) Borderline call: Melania is the wild card in this equation. She is an adult and I felt the questions about whether she held a valid visa when she came here from Slovenia were worth discussing (in view of the Trumpster’s anti-immigrant views).
On the other hand, she seems to have faded into the woodwork politically after the election, has no place in the family businesses and I am a bit uncomfortable with analyzing videos with her husband to speculate on their married life together. As noted, this is a borderline call … I would say tread carefully. Besides, DJT offers all you need as far as a target to lampoon every day.
4) Fair Game: Eric, Donald Jr. and Ivanka are all adults, politically active, deeply involved in both the family businesses and it seems (along with son-in-law Jared Kushner) like they’ll be involved in government business, too. Add to that Jared Kushner’s also being registered to vote in two states… well, go for it.
With that, the floor is yours for praise, brickbats ideas and suggestions.
First, though: I’ll close with the short lead-off song on the self-titled first album from the Allman Brothers Band from late 1969 (“Don’t Want You No More”, written by the English bandleader Spencer Davis, whose 1960’s band Steve Winwood began with) …. to mark the life of original drummer Butch Trucks, who died yesterday at age 69.
x YouTube VideoNow, on to Top Comments:
From Wee Mama:
In the diary by igualdad about the list compiled of Trump property phone numbers (now that the White House comments phone has been disabled) — this comment by hamdu1 quite handily shared 800 numbers— make Trump pay for hearing his employers … (us)!From wide eyed lib as well as Avila:
In the diary by zenbassoon about the advent of alt-government sites (as a means of resistance) — you've gotta read this whole thread which was started by durrati — because these days we need all the laughter we can get …...Highlighted by Major Kong:
In the diary by Keith Pickering about all the walking-back Sean Spicer has to do — I like this comment made by jayden.And from Ed Tracey, your faithful correspondent this evening ........
In the diary by about Dartagnan about the GOP political retreat where the Trumpster was expecting the newly-confirmed CIA director to attend — in response to a comment by secret38b about how her 90 year-old patient was unsettled by this …. 75tthvirgin goes on to analyze the mindset of that generation, and how it takes quite a lot to faze them.And lastly: yesterday's Top Mojo - mega-mojo to the intrepid mik ...... who rescued this feature from oblivion:
1) The majority of the R’s, particularly those in C … by not user friendly +475 2) It's useful, but it’s hardly the first — Krugman … by rugbymom +210 3) Remember, Grover Norquist said all they needed i … by Sister Havana +208 4) PS I’m also glad to see the Democratic leadershi … by rugbymom +187 5) He may not be able to take your free time, but h … by bluinsc +164 6) [embed] by annieli +163 7) Very cool! Even DoD tweeted this today, the same … by ericlewis0 +150 8) [embed] by rugbymom +135 9) “An American government that ignores science to … by The grouch +126 10) I was at dinner in the home of a few Trump suppo … by RETIII +123 11) Damn.. that account was shut down in one day. Pa … by Eryk +122 12) I suppose that I could look this up, but I do wo … by Chitown Kev +119 13) And the lessons of the Obama years. You get NOTH … by GrouchySquirrel +118 14) They won’t be reliable voters so long as the Dem … by jeopardydd +116 15) There response to everything is, “Trump is awful … by flitedocnm +112 15) Grover Norquist also said “Bipartisanship is ano … by jeremybloom +112 17) He already has. Trump is not the motivating forc … by xajaxsingerx +105 18) BOOYAH! :P … by Colorado is the Shiznit +104 18) There’s blood in the water, and Trump keeps cutt … by BalanceSeeker +104 20) I came in to my 9 am human genetics class and th … by murrayewv +103 21) No on every fucking thing! by IB JOHN +98 22) They have more dry powder than spines or brains. … by Karl Rover +93 22) I can't listen to him speak but I did just read … by chicago minx +93 24) We need journos who aren't afraid. Who do the ri … by First Amendment +90 24) [embed] by The Janitor +90 26) Enjoy! by The Eyewitness Muse +88 27) First things first: we have to make sure Dems ar … by pierre9045 +87 27) Grover Norquist is the “shrink government so I c … by Glenn Magus Harvey +87 27) @AltNatParkSer is doing a good job of retweeting … by bucharu +87 30) For five days he has pissed and moaned about the … by pierre9045 +86 30) Misogyny played a significant role. by aimeehs +86