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Top Comments: the Facing the Future edition


Some thoughts on what the future might hold, after the jump ….

But first: Top Comments appears nightly, as a round-up of the best comments on Daily Kos. Surely ... you come across comments daily that are perceptive, apropos and .. well, perhaps even humorous. But they are more meaningful if they're well-known ... which is where you come in (especially in diaries/stories receiving little attention).

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send your nominations to TopComments at gmail dot com by 9:30 PM Eastern Time nightly, or by our KosMail message board. Please indicate (a) why you liked the comment, and (b) your Dkos user name (to properly credit you) as well as a link to the comment itself.

Recently in this space, I noted my personal hope: that while 2017 is shaping-up to be a fulfillment of the horrors that 2016 portended — starting with the arrival of you-know-who tomorrow — that it might also be a turning point:


The ending of the book Fear Strikes Out by the baseball player Jimmy Piersall — who had a nervous breakdown during the 1952 season, following his arrival at spring training — has always stayed with me, as he met an airline flight attendant who remembered him during that fateful year (but he didn’t recall her).

“I don’t remember anything — 1952 was a bad year for me”.

“You mean because you were sick, Jimmy?”


“But wasn’t that also the year that you were cured?”

“Yes, it was.”

“Well, then I’d say 1952 was a good year — the best of your life”.

I guess maybe she was right, at that.

If so, perhaps 2017 is a year we can look back on fondly? I realize that may not be enough to go on …. and so, I’d like to look at an essay written by one of the old DK writer alumni.

David Atkins (old pen name, thereisnospoon) is an alternate-weekend blogger at Washington Monthly, where Ed Kilgore used to reign. And he had an interesting take last month on an observation that many have made: that the GOP is a nervous party, seeking to hold onto power every which way due to fear.

The Republican approach to power dynamics here more resembles asymmetric warfare than traditional political conflict: parties that expect to regain power once they have lost it don’t typically behave this way, because they know that bad behavior can become a precedent used against them that will make it difficult for them to govern when they return to power. The Republican strategy here only makes sense if they expect never to regain power once they have lost it.

There is a precedent for this sort of political desperation: apartheid South Africa. South African whites knew that to allow true democracy in the colonial nation would mean their permanent disempowerment. Their reaction was to violate international norms and become a pariah in order to hold onto power that, once lost, would never return. Political factions with a legitimate claim on power and a reasonable argument for the majority of the public know they can temporarily give up control in a democracy and win the next time around.

For those of us at-or-north of age 60, this may be of cold comfort: we want to see our government working for everyone (and not just the “real” Americans) now. And who knows what the next few years will bring.

Still, it is quite unlikely that the low unemployment and inflation achieved on President Obama’s watch will continue: the corporate titans he listens to would prefer to see something like a corporate state as shown by Sam Brownback in Kansas. The unregulated capitalism that is sure to follow will, very likely, result in another financial scandal.

And so for young people: hopefully, your long-range future will be a brighter one than what we can expect in the near future.

As we approach tomorrow — a day I never thought we’d ever have to face — I would welcome your thoughts.

First, though — a 1972 tune by the British blues saxophonist Dick Heckstall-Smith … the opening track to his solo album A Story Ended is ….... The Future Song.

x YouTube Video


Now, on to Top Comments:

Nothing from the field this evening.

And from Ed Tracey, your faithful correspondent this evening ........

In the diary by Walter Einenkel about the sarcasm directed the Trumpster’s way about his photo supposedly writing his inauguration speech — elwior suggests some key words to look for (as far as authenticity is concerned).  And, in the diary by Leslie Salzillo about Nancy Sinatra’s riposte about Trump’s decision to use the Paul Anka-written song “My Way” at his inauguration ball (oblivious to the song’s opening line)  … koosah begins a robust discussion of how right-wingers often do not read the lyrics of songs they champion.
TOP PHOTOS January 18th, 2017 Next - enjoy jotter's wonderful *PictureQuilt™* below. Just click on the picture and it will magically take you to the comment that features that photo.

(NOTE: Any missing images in the Quilt were removed because (a) they were from an unapproved source that somehow snuck through in the comments, or (b) it was an image from the DailyKos Image Library which didn't have permissions set to allow others to use it.)

And lastly: yesterday's Top Mojo - mega-mojo to the intrepid mik ...... who rescued this feature from oblivion:

1)  You are one very impressive individual, and I wo … by Haf2Read  +257 2)  I’m pretty sure there is considerable coordinati … by gchaucer2  +170 2)  My son is in his early 30s and has a group of fr … by blugrlnrdst  +170 4)  Yes it is the Republicans fault. Who appointed t … by Ballerina  +151 5)  He was great. Simple concepts that expose the mo … by schmolioot2  +143 6)  And both W and Obama tried to ease tensions with … by Xonic  +142 7)  This is more worrisome imo by divineorder  +139 8)  Thank you for engaging so productively. There ar … by Belle Ame  +124 9)  Agreed. Trump and Putin will destroy evidence. M … by TomP  +122 10) Love this part: … by puakev  +121 11) Trump will fail to protect America. … by TomP  +116 12) Regardless of whether or not it causes suffering … by GrouchySquirrel  +115 13) Perfectly exposes their bullshit about “access.” … by TomP  +108 14) Are you aware that we’re already invited? … by HudsonValleyMark  +102 15) Seconded. by texasmom  +99 16) I’m glad he hit back when Price boilerplated on … by Tuffie  +98 17) “mojo” ain’t a big thing for me … by OnStarboardTack  +97 18) Cathy McMorris Rodgers got exactly what she dese … by Jeff Y  +94 19) Lynch should appoint a special prosecutor now! by Jackaroo  +91 20) I would just say I could never vote for a guy wh … by Ranglinlover  +89 20) exactly. one of the tactical advantages of being … by wu ming  +89 22) Well I never underestimate Democrats’ abilities … by Gooserock  +88 23) In tweet form: by igualdad  +85 24) She was AWFUL. Think Kellyanne Conway answering … by not this time  +82 24) Spot-on, says this family doc. … by Ralphdog  +82 26) In answer to your question: … by MikeTheLiberal  +81 27) Good for him by kathy in ga  +80 28) No, she should have done it BY now by exlrrp  +76 29) He really wanted to tell that crowd to STFU, but … by The Truth  +70 29) slight difference of opinion — Warren badgering … by Sybil Liberty  +70

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